Sunday, October 24, 2010

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Norton also talk in the end and more serious incidents of manslaughter

Symantec Norton anti-virus software "manslaughter" how serious the incident in the end, affect how much? Will thus depressed, or even forced to withdraw from China What?

Norton anti-virus software as "manslaughter" incident, on May 17 and 18, the Norton antivirus software caused the software installed on millions of computer systems paralyzed. May 19, parent company of Norton products, Symantec issued a statement to apologize to the user and issued an official solution.

For Norton the "manslaughter", was accused of discrimination against Chinese users, and others that it would allow Chinese users to collectively abandon the use of Norton, Symantec, which are due to errors caused by the crisis in public relations measures, the consequences of their mistakes are bound to PR Symantec eating.

Discrimination, said the Chinese market is too extreme

Because of "manslaughter" incident only in simplified Chinese version of the Windows users, Symantec customers questioned the irresponsible attitude of the Chinese market. So in the end whether Norton's manslaughter in the Chinese market is not responsible for it?

In the Norton "manslaughter" XP system files in the same time, Cabas machine "manslaughter" the Rising Kaka, and Kaspersky has also been violence in Taiwan "manslaughter" WINDOWS system files, users in mainland China also fell victim. For a time, on the anti-virus software "manslaughter" news polls. And for "manslaughter", and many called the "Chinese worshiper of foreign things, and hang!."

Norton does not attach importance to the Chinese market that is also due to submarine cable fault, the user can not be upgraded continuously for several days virus database, some people think it is the Chinese consumer is not responsible for Norton's performance. Now manslaughter events cause the computer to a standstill, it is not responsible. In my opinion, submarine cable fault led to the virus database can not be upgraded, indicating that the localization of Norton did a poor job, but can not be called on the Chinese market, irresponsible, not the server in China, of course, can not be upgraded.

And the "manslaughter" can not say that it does not attach importance to the Chinese market, because competition for Symantec has been working in China, and several anti-virus software war. Foreign products as long as the quality problem in China, will be labeled "discriminatory China" infamy, should be discriminated against Chinese people are so easily Why?

Lead to feelings of Chinese consumers have been discriminated against due mainly to the attitude of Symantec for manslaughter, even into the exemption from the apology, it is extremely unwise, and details of the delegation of responsibility, which angered the Chinese users, so Chinese users feel they are discriminated against, this is Symantec's own making.

And "Using Norton is kind of xenophilia, deserve it!" Remarks, perhaps, there is a public relations competition, while the masses of individual users by their use of course.

Norton will not withdraw from manslaughter China

I believe that the chance of mistakes Norton, will give the brand a huge impact, but not completely so full retreat.

First, the domestic anti-virus software can not be guaranteed not to "manslaughter", but also have occurred in "manslaughter" incident, but less extensive Bale.

Second, the antivirus software have their own advantages and disadvantages, which are not perfect. That made the first three, Jiangmin antivirus, anti-virus anti-virus capabilities, but generally good results; Rising Antivirus, Kaka had suspected rogue software, and the small lion always come out to show their, anti-virus software should have in the background, can always hope Rising went to the front makes boring; Kingsoft Internet Security, Antivirus soared 100 percent occupied by the memory and affect other programs running.

And Norton, Kaspersky also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Norton virus database updates slower, Kaspersky Anti-Virus comprehensive but easy to manslaughter. Therefore, all anti-virus software is not perfect, also have their own user base.

Finally, Norton users in the enterprise brand is not comparable to other anti-virus software, even the occasional mistake, customers will not result in the loss of the brand.

Norton does not look for compensation is not an apology is boring

Norton and 23 will be removed before the apology was replaced disclaimer, this is really hard to forgive people. While manslaughter is antivirus software that may occur by chance accidents, Chinese consumers want is the attitude of apology, did not say try to turn Norton impasse, Norton even to threaten the user with a Disclaimer, this is boring since the search would more consumers to its brand loyalty and confidence lost.

Hope Symantec can give a follow-up time for customer satisfaction solutions.

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Monday, October 11, 2010

Beijing, Nanjing Software Expo increasingly marginalized by the recovery mode bar

Third China (Nanjing) Software Industry Fair, 98 BPC successful negotiation, signing a total of 69 major projects, total investment of 8.77 billion yuan, of which 820 million U.S. dollars of foreign capital.

Compared with the previous, the number of major projects signed up 43.75%, 51.85% of total investment growth.

Xu Huiling, Vice Mayor of Nanjing, 3, said at a news conference, the success of these major projects signed in enhancing the development of Nanjing, the combined effect of the software industry, software industry to improve the value chain in Nanjing level, to further promote the rapid development of software industry in Nanjing , will play an active role.

In the 69 major projects, software companies set up R & D center in Nanjing, and the branch projects accounted for the vast majority, a total of 55. Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group, as investment in the construction of Nanjing in Nanjing Software Base, plans to gather 30,000 5 years software engineer; CDC Software's investment in 22 million U.S. dollars in Nanjing to set up its largest R & D center.

In addition, many companies have expressed desire to invest. The first participants of the Hewlett-Packard said it will build R & D center in Nanjing; million in Nanjing, China will build a database backup center.

Third Soft Expo in 1 to 3 September was held in Nanjing from 30 countries and regions attended the exhibition of 324 companies.

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Thief 3 of original experiences

Waited more than three weeks until the latest in a preferred game, when I saw the name of EIDOS have a sense of foreboding, because the killer to tell the truth 3 let me down, especially where the action is often floating immobile , Thief 3, the whole picture quite good, innovative ideas, which water arrows extinguish the torch very creative, but it is unsatisfactory in some areas,

First, if it is inconvenient to use the sword fighting, although the game is a dive, can, after all, a Grand Theft Auto, martial arts can not be too bad, silly action raised sword Lai Kan

Second, the task is unknown, I hit the second hurdle and soon took the three tasks are completed, as have marked the hook, but not the end, ran out the gates are not, and no training related tasks in So the task of escape, no way to town chaos pocket, do not know what treasures picked up, but also showed COMPLETE OBJECTIVE, Kuangyun

Third, the enemy AI is low, or even stuck in the door get out of the situation

These are my personal views and do not know how to play like you are welcome to correct me

Oh yes .. one attack action

Computer is very stupid ........ and cell. MGS2 computer AI than fully one day at a time!

I water shot computer, what did not. And you stick in the unconscious behind a computer, he did not wake up half a day, has been stunning!

But his shooting is still relatively new to this attack.

There are little tips, if you have been in the archery bow when the state, then suddenly back closer perspective.

Back to facilitate such a standard. Injective raise far the best things a little fire. This is not always the gun ....

To narrow the press "Z" on it, do not wait for it to automatically narrow the gap between ... ...

On close combat, it is stupid, swords and sticks like almost lethal, if not the enemy did not find, you can never face to face with these two weapons in the case of the blood does not hurt to kill him ~ at least I was In this way, I do not know how others ~ ~ ~

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Visual Studio08 now open to MSDN users

November 20, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for MSDN users will be open today, but the end will be publicly available.

Recent news that Microsoft will soon offer full Visual Studio 2008 to RTM version, but not publicly released, but only MSDN users. The end will be publicly available.

Visual Studio Team System products, according to director Jeff Beehler said earlier on, the release of Visual Studio 2008 Team will include all versions, of course, Load Test Agent and Team Foundation Server.

At the same time, Microsoft also introduced. NET Framework 3.5, in order to facilitate the development of personnel WindowsVista, Windows Server 2008, Office 2007, the latest mobile devices and Web development applications.

As for the specific release date, Microsoft has not specifically stated. Barring unforeseen circumstances, may have to wait until February 27, 2008 and Windows Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 with the launch.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Photoshop to create beauty facial skin texture


Final results

1, open the original image the implementation of imaging applications, (Multiply; opacity 84%).

2, select the menu: Image> adjustments> color matching, (selected and in; fade 17).

3, seal repair, (pen 39; opacity 83%).

4, seal repair initial renderings.

5, select the plug-in filter Portraiture to enhance skin texture, the parameter settings as shown below.

6, run: Filter> Sharpen> Smart Sharpen, (number 233; radius of 0.4).

7, time consuming step, first pictures to enlarge, use small stamps (pen 9; opacity 83%) or so, one by one to find and refinement of these small defects.

Final results

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sina CEO Wang Yan May expiration of the outgoing high-level adjustments are a foregone conclusion

April 28, sources told us that on May 9, Sina will release first quarter 2006 earnings. In the earnings announcement, SINA will be held in Hong Kong Board of Directors. That is, at this board meeting, Sina announced major personnel changes.

Sources said Wang Yan will be the outgoing CEO, this is normal turnover, "because the three-year term expired." May 2003, Sina former CEO Mao Daolin the same as his term from Sina.

Wang Yan will be how to go from to? Sina said it will leave after Fangjian business. However, a high-level Sina sure the phone said: "Wang Yan will not leave Sina."

According to him, and after the same newspaper reported that Wang retained the seat on the board in Sina, together with section of Wing Kei as co-chairman of Sina (see newspaper on February 8 exclusive report, "New Year Sina executive shuffle?,") . This year in March, the former co-chairman of SINA announced Daniel Chiang left Sina.

In addition to these adjustments, the Sina COO will also announce the new candidate. Sources: new COO from the Sina board, that director Chen Xiaotao. Chen Xiaotao the same time as the Stone Group Holdings Executive Director, President. Chen Xiaotao and the same section of Wing Kei, Department of the Stone.

Four-way high-level access to Sina management, which has no precedent in the history of Sina. Prior to this, including the section of Wing Kei, including four-way high-level representation only in the Sina board, not management in the office.

The high-level phone Sina said: No matter how Sina personnel changes, the Company's business will not be affected, "from sand Masaharu, Wang Zhidong, Mao Daolin, Sina CEO position of candidates has changed several times, the Company's business has not been any impact, Sina has a very good state of the company business. "

Reporter dialed Sina CFO Charles Chao, president and chief incumbent phone, no one answered the telephone in the state. Wang Yan's secretary on the phone said: "Wang is the total travel, inconvenient to answer the phone." As Wang Yan left a message, she asked the reporter to verify Sina Public Relations.

Sina Shen Jianming, vice president of the newspaper, said: "have not heard any news related to high-level adjustments."

Reporters also learned that the acquisition of Sina and TOM has been renewed between the leading edge. A source said: "In addition to price factors sides that collapsed earlier but also because of delays in the approval authorities the results; now, progress has been made competent authorities for approval, the two sides are seeking re-alignment."

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